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Laith Yagame

A member registered Sep 06, 2020

Recent community posts

Hello, I'm downloading and said I have malware.

is she a spider mac? LIMAO

this have a end?

the game is not here, or is it an enigma?

günaydın, bu oyunun ne anlama geldiğini bilmek istiyorum, çok güzel.

have malware -_-

onomorado caro senhor, sua entidade maligna entristece minha alma, desgraça e disvirtude a sua pacata e singela vida

I don't have money to give you, I'm from Brazil, a currency here is 5 VS greater than 1 dollar. Excuse me. But his game is incredibly, the soundtrack, the design, the story, EVERYTHING!

this game have a signification big? Or is a simple joke nonsense?

for a first game is very good, but have much bugs and back the a music in the start not is good, he is a little hard e is bad to listen. You have a great talent, and if improve more, cay make a game much good! Sucess in the you life.

i waiting 5 minutes, after back here, more by pictures is a good game.

This game is amazing,the art ,music,sound all!Thanks for make a game pretty that.Just the control could be best.

need a computer whith OS 64 bit?

this game is very good,please,finish the game.I need see the end!